Saturday, January 4, 2014


  1. All the tables would be under a database named WECARE.
  2. To register a hospital to WeCare, the hospital is provided some credentials by WeCare and these will be called WeCareRegisterationCredentials.
    1. These will be stored in table called LICENSE.
    2. This table will not be accessible to the hospitals
    3.  The credentials will be able to register as many hospitals as purchased by the user in license agreement. The maximum number can be controlled by an external property
  3. Many members would be able to be registered under the hospital. The main types of the members would be
    1. Doctors
    2. Clinical Staff (Nurses,Pharmacists)
    3. Non Clinical Staff (Clerk, Drivers)\

SpringBoot Application Event Listeners

When a spring boot application starts few events occurs in below order ApplicationStartingEvent ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent Applicat...