Thursday, June 22, 2023

Few un-common things to know about Docker

How to push your local images to remote docker hub?

    • Create an account on docker hub via URL
    • Login to the account using the credentials
    • Create a repository from the webpage where you want to push your images to.
    • Create the docker image on your local using command
      • docker build -t {image-name} .
    • Login to docker cli using command
      • docker login
    • Enter the docker hub id and password
    • Create a tag for your local docker image using command
      • docker tag {local-image-name}:{local-tag-version}{remote-repository-name}/{remote-image-name}:{remote-tag-version} 
    • Push your tag to the repository using command
      • docker push {remote-repository-name}/{remote-image-name}:{remote-tag-version} 
    • Now you can use the docker hub image using command
      • docker run -d -p 8080:8080 {remote-repository-name}/{remote-image-name}:{remote-tag-version}

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

How to find the account id from AWS console?

  1.  Sign into the AWS Console at the url using root credentials.
  2. Click on the user name at the top right corner.
  3. Click "Security Credentials" from the drop down menu.
  4. The account id is displayed on the page.

SpringBoot Application Event Listeners

When a spring boot application starts few events occurs in below order ApplicationStartingEvent ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent Applicat...