Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Different Terms used in AWS

  • ECC (EC2): Elastic Compute Cloud Service is used to run computer applications on a virtual machine in AWS.
  • ECS: Elastic Container Service is used to deploy and manager containerized applications in an AWS environment
  • ECR: Elastic Container Registry Service is used to store the container images
  • Cloud Formation Service is used to define and provision infrastructure resources using json or yaml formatted infrastructure as Code Template 
  • IAC: Infrastructure as code
  • Security Group: It is a virtual firewall for EC2 or ECS instances which control incoming and outgoing traffic. Security groups are stateful, which means that if an inbound request passes, then the outbound request will pass as well.
  • NACL (Network Access Control List) is used to control the traffic in and out of the on or more subnets.
  • FargateIts is a serverless computing engine which eliminates the need for end-users to manage the servers that host containers. A user needs to package the application in containers, specify the Operating System, CPU, and memory requirements, configure networking and IAM policies. Servers are provisioned automatically by Fargate using the above specifications provided by user. 
  • NLB: Network Load Balancer is among one of the four types of Elastic Load Balancers.
  • ELB: Elastic Load Balancer distributes the incoming traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, in one or more Availability Zones. They are of 4 types
    • Application Load Balancers
    • Network Load Balancers
    • Gateway Load Balancers
    • Classic Load Balancers
  • EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) makes it simple and cost effective to run highly distributed processing frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark, and Presto when compared to on-premises deployments. 
  • Athena helps to analyze unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data stored in Amazon S3.

  • Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. It is used to pull together data from many different sources like inventory systems, financial systems, and retail sales systems into a common format,

  • DynamoDB or Dynamo Database or DDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services.

  • Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development.

  • Data lakes accept unstructured data while Data Warehouses only accept structured data from multiple sources.
  • CodeCommit is a managed source code control service provided by AWS Cloud

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